All the romance is alive and the bed is kicking with great physical chemistry and connection. You think that every step of your life is now going to...

3D Printing At The Middle School Level
Schools and universities are proving to be a petri dish of innovation, where there is an existing space for experimentation and practical...

Playing Games And Relationships
This upswing in popularity shows no signs of slowing down. Because of this, many people have expressed concerns over the potential for playing video...

Few Facts Every Freelancer Should Know
To make matters worse, your income comes in fits and spurts. There have been years where I make up to 80% of my income in a few months, which makes...

The Benefits Using Enterprise Apps
The brutal truth is that the majority of apps don’t add any real value. They’re a false success for people who like to build, and users are the ones...

Robots Technology Culture
If you are skittish or squeamish about human sexuality I beseech you to click out right now or visit another, more palatable site. As it stands, I...

Boost Your Business With Big Data
Enterprises can use big data to their advantage with machine learning. If visions of the HAL 9000 from Arthur C. Clark’s 2001 or 2010 are springing...

10 Reasons We Need To Be Concerned About e-waste
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), commonly known as e-waste, comprises any item powered by electricity or by a battery such as mobile...

Tips To Keep You Successful
Time and familiarity are two major factors that make these tasks easier. We have all had that experience in life where we took on some new thing...

How To Use A Drone Like A Pro
These aren’t the only business people taking notice of drones. At the end of 2014, the Federal Aviation Administration granted just 12 business...